Tuesday 21 February 2012

Uni LIFE :))

its time to blog about my uni life!! :D
i really enjoy my uni life with my gangs!
all these are my friendly and funny friends :D
HEARTS them very MUCH! ^^
Dis is me in Chef uniform.. :)
i know i look cute xDD

the blue shirt guy is Jet, my culinary class partner and also our class rep :))
Chan, he loves to say good job good job ! LOL
they're cute :D

classmate Yuki and Sabrina in Service uniform :))
The lil Chef! :D
in Formal attire in classroom :D
Samuel :D
He's cute,friendly,funny and also "handsome"
LOL! its fun to be his fren :))
sometimes he'll share his 心事with me :D

LOOK! he's cute! HAHA!!
sorry samuel for giving u soo many trouble ><
feel soo guilty :((
Love you!!! xD

Monday 6 February 2012

The End Of Us.

Yeah, we broke up :)
the girl who always praises her bf is the BEST of all,the girl who always says she's happy to be with her bf had break up with him .
its not that both of us treated each other not good..
we had been together for 3years,3months and 20days.. unfortunately, we had now realized that we are actually not match..
we've different thinking..different needs that both of us can't give to each other..
yeah, i know sometimes we're really sweet, but when we argued..who knows? 
we had lots of problem that made us unhappy actually..both of us preferred to keep in heart without telling out..we afraid to destroy our relationship..so we just act nothing happened..

To Him : Thx for being my partner in these 3years.. i've a great moment with you.. cheer up :) maybe we 有缘无份 bah :D I've received ur msg yst.. i won't reply u :) i don't wanna act like I'm happy or ntg happened.. so kay.. see ya soon and ALL THE BEST ! :))

its not easy to maintain a relationship.
its not easy to find a right person.
so,if you've found a right person, please treasure him/her :)

Wednesday 11 January 2012


sorry everyone ><''
i know i've did a big mistake as a blogger..
im sorry..i really busy working recently.. ><''

2012 life
yeah, i've started working as a promoter @ The Garden
although its really bored working at there..but i've got some new friends there.. ^^
she's Yuki ^^
my working counter neighbour :))
my good partner ^^
and lastly,
Pei Yeon :))
i always have free food and drinks because of him :P
thankyou Pei Yeon :P
accessories that im selling :))
cute and awesome right??? all this are imported from Korea
come and visit me @ The Garden Isetan 1st Floor
10% discount for all item :))

She's the one i keep in touch the MOST after SPM..
no...i should say..she's the only ONE willing to keep in touch with me after SPM.. =___=
we're starting our course on the SAME DAY , SAME SCHOOL but DIFFERENT COURSE @Taylor's Lakeside Campus, Sunway.
btw, we're buying the SAME MACBOOK as well :P
teeeheeee :D

im really wondering...she really don't know how to press the answer call button or she's trying to hide from me?
Ashley, im waiting for u to find me.

fishyyy, i wanna tell u..that....u're getting prettier :)) 
and im waiting for the next outing with all of u :D

Mei Wui.
my tuition besties :((
i miss u..
im sorry to hear that u failed ur undang test...
its okay babe, dun sad..TRY YOUR BEST NEXT MONTH kay? 
Support u ALWAYS :)))

Sunday 25 December 2011

Macau + China (4D3N)

A Happy Vacation with Family.
yeah, all of my family members enjoy themselves in dis particular trip! ^^
we went lots of places and saw lots of special things in dis 4days trip! :D
i've not much things to say..
pictures will do the talking :))
daddy and me 
waiting for the plane :)

while we were in the plane ^^

dis is my Second Brother, Tee Yang
yeah, we have reached our hotel! GALAXY MACAU
its sooo big and beautiful!
the biggest and the newest hotel @ Macau :))

our hotel room :)
cinema in the hotel!!! GREAT ryte? :D
but its kinda costing! ><''
yeah, i went in to the casino..
my face was mature enuf :))
the guy standing there was actually stopping me from taking photo ><''
the night view of our hotel 
Taipa street was opposite to our hotel :)

yea, 猪扒包 was soo delicious that is located at Taipa street :)
okay, its time to swim! :D

 sista, Jiun and Me 

 dis is so stupid right? :D
in da hotel :X
imma just 自恋ing :X

omg!! guess wat is dis??
双皮奶! super duper tasty!!
i miss it! wanna eat it noww~~!!!
the ladies of Hee's family :))
sista loves 
okay, guess who's dis?
the shirts he used to wear it everyday.
okay, he's 李小龙 Bruce Lee
we went to his 纪念馆 :)
his history
lol! okay, sorry. i failed! ><''
ignore my stupid face! hohohohho..
a stupid look again =3=


now, the 奶茶
kinda tasty! 
my sweet family 

im in the Venetian Hotel 威尼斯 
the most popular casino in Macau :))
but i prefer Galaxy's casino.. :P

-Bye Macau, I'll be back!♥-