Sunday 9 October 2011

7 & 8 Oct 11 [Genting]

Day 1

LOL! when we were in the car heading to genting xP
me & baby Kay

 awww.. doodoll 

 me, baby Jiun & baby Kay
taaadaaaa!!! we reached genting ^^
 while we were walking to first world hotel, we met him!
our EX camp commitee, Phoon
Phoon & my sista,baby Jiun
before lunch, we went to HAUNTED ADVENTURE...
Lunch @ Kenny Roger
 oppss =X hubby and me de couple sweater xD

baby Kay , thanks for the make up ^^

Day 2

Make up by Baby Kay ^^
Kay help Jiun to make up ^^
and NOW!! themepark!! xD

when we are playing Sungai Rejang Flume Ride
too sunny >< we cant even open our eyes ><''
when we are on the Mary-Go-Round  xD

Concert at 8pm

I failed to capture their picture clearly x(
iPhone camera SUCKS!!! ><
im buying a Camera sooooonnnnn!!!!
anyway, i SUPER LOVE Kate Sui (徐子珊)
she's soo DAMN prettayyy and sexxyyyyy!!! awwww... T.T
i miss her!

~thats all~

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